I'm a lady who wears many hats. I am first myself...constantly growing, learning, and exploring life. I am also a wife, mommy, daughter, sister, teacher, cook, homemaker, and friend. I love every moment of it and my blog is a way for me to document my life and enjoy each memory. <3

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Yard sales and Pampered Chef!

Saturday morning my mom and her neighbors had a yard sale, so Riley and I went over to help (and give Ronnie the house to himself to get some studying and homework done!).  Riley had a blast!  There were doughnuts, lemonade, toys, books, and of course his Mimi <3

Some of my own yard sale finds:  rolling pin, pizza cutter, and martini piggy bank :)  Not pictured - some books and clothes for Riley!

After the sales we hit the grocery store (post to come about the ridiculous amount of money I saved!), then after a nap, headed to Christy's Pampered Chef party!  I absolutely love Pampered Chef...and the excuse to see great friends!

I adore Madden's homemade shirt <3  She is learning to sew!

Delicious garden pizza!

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