I'm a lady who wears many hats. I am first myself...constantly growing, learning, and exploring life. I am also a wife, mommy, daughter, sister, teacher, cook, homemaker, and friend. I love every moment of it and my blog is a way for me to document my life and enjoy each memory. <3

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Holy surprise from Ronnie!

Ronnie took me by huge surprise tonight with a lovely evening (and morning!).  We checked into the O'Henry Hotel and I walk in to see this:

Then we go to dinner at Green Valley Grill and eat this:

Then we got into this cab and went to the Carolina Theatre to see the Wizard of Oz!

We finished the night at the Green Valley Grill bar and ordered late night room service and wine.  We woke up to breakfast in bed. <3  We layed around in the beautiful hotel room, ordered more room service for lunch, and I finally had to force myself to leave.  I love my husband.  This came at a perfect time for us.