I'm a lady who wears many hats. I am first myself...constantly growing, learning, and exploring life. I am also a wife, mommy, daughter, sister, teacher, cook, homemaker, and friend. I love every moment of it and my blog is a way for me to document my life and enjoy each memory. <3

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Cookout!

The very second we got home from the beach, we headed straight to the pool to join our friends for a memorial day cookout!  It was super fun and the kids, as always, had a blast!

My very best friend, Lindsay.

Corn!  (and the one hotdog that was left!)

Burgers and steak

I <3 watermelon!

Buffalo and lemon pepper chicken

More chicken and burgers

I <3 cantaloupe as well!

Grilled veggies

Donna, Gus, and Isabelle


Sweet babies

I think it's safe to say this little one loves watermelon too!

Tiger Diego!

My loves, Adriana and Nic

Adriana and Drew!

My little family

Lindsay and Nic!

Me, Donna, and Isabelle :)

Oh what cute boys

Diego loving him some Lindsay!

Alligator Adventure!

This is such a neat place!  We had a blast seeing all of the different types of alligators and crocodiles despite the ridiculous heat!  It was very hot and humid, but we still had a great time. :)

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Breakfast, beach, and Medieval Times!

Another fabulous day at the beach.  I love my family and am super glad our friends are here too <3