I'm a lady who wears many hats. I am first myself...constantly growing, learning, and exploring life. I am also a wife, mommy, daughter, sister, teacher, cook, homemaker, and friend. I love every moment of it and my blog is a way for me to document my life and enjoy each memory. <3

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Happy Sunday morning

I'm happy to report that I am feeling SO much better.  I didn't think I'd ever feel better after this tonsillectomy mess!  I have been able to start eating again and talking some.  My throat is still very sore, but not nearly like it was!

This morning Riley and I hung out while we let Daddy catch up on some sleep :)  I really enjoyed spending the morning, just the two of us <3

We drew for quite a while :)

A cupcake with sprinkles :)

We traced our hands...

Olivia!  Red dress and all :)

Tic tac toe!

Riley wins!

We put together many puzzles...

We read all of our search and find books...


and a dinosaur book!

and we played cars and trucks!

Sweetest boy I know!

We ended the afternoon with a movie and the dollar theater!  $6 total for four of us (my brother came too!) to see Rio and split a pack of skittles!  Gotta love cheap delightful afternoons!

1 comment:

  1. aw, it looks like you two had tons of fun <3 I love the hand drawing and mommy-munchkin photo!
